
What is Swift mainly used for

What is Swift mainly used for

Developed by Apple to further help developers in iOS development, Swift is a popular language that is both open-source as well as easy to use. Companies that provide general-purpose Swift development services are always on the advantageous side since they can easily handle all types of iOS features in no time. In this article, we have covered all the main areas where Swift is really applicable. So, let's get started!

Usage of Swift Language

Besides being one of the best languages to develop apps for iOS, Swift incorporates several features that allow it to spread its horizons to develop projects in Linux, cloud, server-side programming, and mobile and desktop applications.

With the powerful cross-platform solution SCADE, developers will be able to develop apps from a single code including excellent UI. Besides providing support to the sophisticated language, SCADE provides an outstanding IDE to handle everything. With the release of Auto Layout on SCADE, developers can use it for both Android and iOS. The prime aim is to create the most productive mobile development tool in the market. The tool’s features are further enhanced with the Fusion Framework which allows the developers to call the Android APIs directly from the Swift code.

There is a group that aims to use Swift for developing server-side applications with full deployment. So, besides keeping the main focus on the iOS platform, the language will encapsulate all the features that will allow cross-platform development with support to server-side applications.

Top features of Swift

1.  Fast Performance

Swift was introduced in the technological market as a replacement of the C-based languages like Java and C++. So, it is necessary that the language is at least comparable to these languages when it comes to overall performance. Working with a ‘make it fast’ methodology, developers can enjoy the fast performance speed of the language.

2.  Safety

As the aim is to replace the C-based languages, Swift removes the whole class of unsafe code. IT makes sure that the variables are initialized before use and prevents several common programming mistakes. Moreover, the language does not allow conflicting memory access which further reduces runtime exceptions by using compile-time errors. On top of that, objects in the language can never be nil. There will always be a compile-time error if there is any object that is nil.

3.  Ease of development

Having readable and clean syntax with the ability to reduce runtime exceptions and higher flexibility, Swift makes sure that developers enjoy the ease of developing the project. The language is the go-to choice when it comes to Apple OS. Moreover, Swift provides backward compatibility so that developers can work with the existing Objective-C files.

The Bottom Line

Now that you have known about all the amazing features and applications of Swift, all you need to focus on is hiring excellent Swift developers who can help in understanding your specific requirements and cater to your needs effectively. This initial conversation will be super helpful in picking the right Swift developers.

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Jane Brewer

I am Web Analyst I love to analyse the web for the betterment of businesses and providing information to my blog reader. I love to write about trending technologies, specially mobile technologies.

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