
The Era of Digital Intelligence is Shaping the eCommerce Diaspora

As soon as you have looked through the latest developments in the digital world, new trends are already emerging: Internationally successful platforms shape digital customer expectations with every new service. Influencers trigger buying impulses and political movements. Data and algorithms turn e-business into data business. Here are some of the most critical developments in digital marketing.


Big data, personalization, live streaming, cross-border and connected commerce are nothing new in 2020, but the constant new technological developments and trends continuously bring new opportunities to expand business models helping leverage the existing ecommerce website development services and solutions market.

The end of the AI ​​revolution ? 

China, Israel, and the USA show how wild ideas can become a reality with artificial intelligence. Numerous Digital Innovation Labs have recently emerged that trigger innovation processes in traditional companies. 

Modern Work - From Transformation to Innovation: 

How will we work in 2020? For traditional companies to remain permanently adaptable to their digital environment, a cross-departmental cultural change is necessary. To live the principles of New Work, you need role models and the freedom to implement innovations. 

Platform as a mindset: 

The success of large platforms is not based on even better features. Instead, it comes to the needs of the customer at the center to provide them with real added value. Internalizing this mindset is the first step towards a successful platform business. 

IT trends 2020: 

Best of Suite or Best of Breed? Standard solution or individual development? Those who have a choice are spoiled for choice. To develop and implement successful IT migration strategies, you need agile, cross-functional teams. Efficient cloud management is necessary in order not to drive up costs. 

Digital trends for B2B companies: 

Although traditional companies have been well networked and crisis-tested for a long time, the move towards e-business is often still difficult. But comfortable user experiences are not a question of the industry. Extended reality, content commerce, and configurators offer enormous potential - also for B2B. 

Future Retail:

How can brands, retailers, and manufacturers shape their customer relationships for the future? Do brands that are not active in marketplaces, still have a chance? Does the customer approach and branding still work without social media? How can the digital shopping experience be improved to minimize returns? 

Facts & Figures : 

Facts and figures clarify which factors companies must continue to measure themselves against, especially in the future. And it's not just about sales and growth figures, the degree of internationalization or payment methods.


In his declaration of independence for cyberspace, John Perry Barlow summed up a generation dilemma as early as 1996: "You are terrified of your children, since they are natives in a world where you will always be immigrants." Just a few years ago, digital natives were still the leading figures of digitization: Generation Y was the first to be born into an increasingly digitized world. She is characterized by a pronounced curiosity for ever more sophisticated products made from zeros and ones.

But in the meantime, with Generation Z, a user group is growing up for whom digital business is no longer just the more advanced version of a parallel analog business model.

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Jane Brewer

I am Web Analyst I love to analyse the web for the betterment of businesses and providing information to my blog reader. I love to write about trending technologies, specially mobile technologies.

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