
Decoding the Dilemma of Front-End or Back-End Development First

You must have come across front-end and back-end development terms regularly. If you are going in circles and confused, read the article that will help you solve the jigsaw puzzle. In the development terminology, front–end is all about creating user experiences on the app. On the other hand, back end is what happens on the server.

If you wonder, what’s more important, remember mobile application development is a collaborative process between designers, developers and back end developers.

Native Front End=Better User Experience
Native mobile app is the best way to develop for a particular mobile platform such as iOS, Android, Windows. It is developed using the language that is supported by the operating system and can fully capitalize on device’s hardware and functionality for enhanced user experience.
Developing for iOS and Android Platforms
If you are planning to develop for the iOS platform, you need knowledge about two main languages Objective-C or Swift. Android developers utilize different tools such as the main language behind all Android apps is Java. In addition, Android developers should use XML, a markup language, to set up the layout of their apps. There are many IDEs for Android development such as Eclipse.
Hybrid Front End
Hybrid apps don’t need separate apps for different platforms. Contrary to native apps, hybrid apps are compatible with different platforms and preferred for quick time-to-market, effectiveness and performance. There are many advantages to building a hybrid front end, but the biggest one is portability. Instead of building two native front ends for an Android app and an iOS app, you can simply write one web app for both platforms. Developers use technologies like HTML5 and tools like PhoneGap and Configure IT among others.
What is Back End Development?
Back end is where you implement your business logic and handle all aspects of integration with third-party systems. Some platforms include .Net, Java, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), Ruby, and Python.
Commonly used databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, though there are many more. Database development involves creating relational or non-relational table structures and utilizing a query language (like SQL) to query the database for the data you need. In order to properly facilitate communication between a server and the mobile app, communication protocol play a key
Front End vs. Back end: Which one should you implement first?
Several mobile app development companies often initiate the back-end development. After all, it is far more time consuming and intricate. But there is a catch. Such mobile app development process often results in delays. It makes much more logical sense to get the front-end design approved by different stakeholders and run it in tandem with the back end development process. This makes the development process more iterative and quick without the need to modify any code.
Ultimately, for a mobile app to deliver the best customer experience, the front end needs to work in tandem with the back end. And often, that can be done most effectively when they’re built in parallel.


I am Web Analyst I love to analyse the web for the betterment of businesses and providing information to my blog reader. I love to write about trending technologies, specially mobile technologies.

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